5 Common Types of Cane Handles. Which One’s Right for You?

Cane handles are important. It’s a feature that determines how much comfort and control you’ll have while using a cane. From traditional hook handles to offset handles, lever grips to ergonomic grips, there are a variety of handle types available for your choosing. Learn about the most common types of cane handles here and choose the one that’s right for you.

Types of cane handles
Photo by David Vives

Types of Cane Handles


Most common for adults, these handles have a rounded base.

Derbys offer the most support and provide good balance. This handle type is ideal for those who need more stability when using their cane, due to weak knees or back pain. Derbys also come in both standard and large sizes depending on what size your palm is. The larger size offers more surface area, giving you better control over your cane while walking.

Crook (or Offset Handle)

This type of cane handle resembles a “J” shape and is often best for those with arthritis or wrist issues.

The cane handle must fit in your hand correctly for you to be as comfortable and safe as possible when using it for support. When shopping for a cane, try them out with different handles until you get the best one for your needs. While crook handles are great for those with arthritis or wrist issues, they can also be used by those without these conditions who like the traditional shape and lightweight design.

Palm Grip

These canes resemble a cylinder and are held in your palm instead of by the cradled grip of the other types of handles.

Palm grip handles provide a comfortable and secure grip, as their design holds the cane securely in your hand. These can be beneficial for those who prefer to hold the cane firmly in their hand, instead of cradling it. They often have wide grips, so they can also serve as an excellent support system for those with hip replacements or arthritis.

Ball Top

Popular among adults and children alike, this type of handle resembles a baseball bat grip and offers lots of comfort when used properly

Ball tops are quite popular as they provide superior comfort and control. They’re designed to fit easily in the palm of your hand and may have a slightly padded grip for added comfort. The flared end prevents slipping, making them easy to hold onto even when you’re moving quickly or on uneven terrain. This handle is perfect for those who want good comfort and control but don’t want the cane to get in their way.


A Stylish and Practical Option for Seniors

T-Handle canes are a popular choice for seniors who want a stylish and modern-looking walking aid that also provides reliable support. The T-shaped handle allows for a comfortable grip, while the straight shaft provides a stable base. T-Handle canes are also adjustable in height, which allows for a customized fit and greater comfort. They are particularly beneficial for seniors who need a cane for a longer period of time, as they are lightweight and easy to maneuver, which helps to reduce fatigue and strain on the body.

There are many different types of cane handles to choose from, and the right handle will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Whether you need extra support for your wrist, or simply want a comfortable grip, there is a cane handle that is perfect for you.

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